Experienced residential and commercial painters
A fresh coat of paint breathes new life into any space, brightening the room, adding character and making a space appear bigger. Paint also protects the exterior surfaces of a building, helping to reduce the costly maintenance costs associated with repairing exposed surfaces.
At A Class Painting Services, no job is too big or too small, and we really take the pain out of painting!
How we roll
Our service starts by meeting with you so we can understand what you want to achieve. We provide free colour advice, so if you’re not sure what’s going to work best in your space, we’ll talk to you about the different options that will work best.
When we start work, we meticulously prep all surfaces then apply base and finishing coats with expert hands. At the end of each work day we clean up and when the job is finished, we’ll replace all switch plates and help you to put any furniture back where it belongs.
Free quote
Want a quote for your project? it’s fast and free - just call Josh on 0406 442 732. We’re your painting specialists for any painting work from Brisbane to northern NSW.